- Regular fit
- Comfortable
- Long Sleeve
- Closure: Pull On
- 40% polyacrylic, 30% polyester, 30% alpaca
- Casual
- Model: 111EE1I301
Over Esprit geperst door de tijdgeest van het oprichtingsjaar 1968, state het international modemerk Esprit voor de ontspannen, zonnige levensstijl van zijn huis Californië. Esprit ontwerpt inspirerende collecties voor dames, heren en en kinderen van hoogwaardige materials en met veel aandacht voor detail. In all products van Esprit weerspiegel zich de eisen van de groep: “zich goed voelen om er goed uit te zien”. The “Esprit de Corps” van het bedrijf wordt gekenmerkt door een positieve en waardevolle houding ten opzichte van het leven in de gemeenschap, family en vrienden een belangrijke rol spelen – en dat in de casual cool California stijl. De Esprit stijl. Esprit is verkrijgbaar in meer dan 40 land en verkoopt zijn products internationaal in ongeveer 580 own retailwinkels en op meer dan 5,400 wholesale-locaties, waaronder franchise-winkels en verkoopvlakken in warenhuizen. The groep verkoopt hair products onder de twee note Esprit en edc. Esprit is 1993 op de beurs van Hong Kong vermeld en heeft centra in Duitsland en Hong Kong.
About Esprit characterized by the zeitgeist of the founding year 1968, the international fashion brand Esprit stands for the relaxed, sunny lifestyle of its home California. Esprit designs inspirational collections for women, men and children from high-quality materials and with great attention to detail. All Esprit products reflect the group’s claim to “feel good to look good”. The company’s “Esprit de Corps” is characterised by a positive and appreciative attitude towards life in which community, family and friends play an important role in the casual-cool California style. The Esprit style. Esprit is present in over 40 countries and distributes its products internationally in around 580 own retail stores as well as over 5,400 wholesale locations, including franchise stores and retail areas in department stores. The group markets its products under the two brands Esprit and edc. Esprit has been listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange since 1993 and has headquarters in Germany and Hong Kong.
OM Esprit præget af tidsånden fra 1968 blev grundlagt af det international modemærke Esprit står for the afslappede, solrige livsstil i dit hjem California. Esprit designer inspirerende samlinger til kvinder, mænd og børn af materialer af høj kvalitet og med stor opmærksomhed på detaljerne. I alle Esprit produkter afspejles gruppens krav: “Føles godt for at se godt ud”. Virksomhedens “Esprit de Corps” har en positiv og værdsættende holdning til livet, spiller en vigtig rolle i samfundet, family og venner – og i afslappet cool californisk style. Esprit style. Esprit er til stede i over 40 lande og distribuerer sine produkter internationalt i omkring 580 egne detailbutikker og på over 5,400 hvem som helst, herunder franchisebutikker og salgsrum i varehuse. Groups markedsfører sine produkter under de to mærker Esprit og edc. Esprit har været noteret på Hong Kong-børsen siden 1993 og har centraler i Tyskland og Hong Kong.
About Esprit characterized by the zeitgeist of the founding year 1968, the international fashion brand Esprit stands for the relaxed, sunny lifestyle of its home California. Esprit kadınlar, erkekler ve çocuklar için yüksek kaliteli malzemelerden ilham verici koleksiyonlar ve detaylara özen gösterir. Esprit ürünlerinin tüm ürünlerinde grubun iddiası yansıtılmıştır: “iPyi hissetmek için iyi hissetmek”. Iketin “Esprit de Corps” kendini hayata karşı pozitif ve deşerli bir duruşla gösterir, topluluk, aile ve arkadaşların önemli bir rol oynar – ve rahat havalı Kaliforniya tarzında. Esprit tarzında. Esprit 40’dan fazla ülkede sunulur ve ürünlerini uluslararası olarak yaklaşık 580 perakende maşazasında ve Franchise maşazaları ve maşazalarda satış alanları dahil 5.400’den fazla toptan konumtan Satmaktadda da Satmakır. The group markets its products under the two brands Esprit and edc. Esprit 1993 yılından beri Hong Kong borsasında listelenmiştir ve Almanya ve Hong Kong’da merkezleri vardır.
Mezinárodní módní značka Esprit se vyznačuje uvolněným, slunečným životním stylem ve své domovině Kalifornie. Esprit navrhuje inspirující kolekce pro dámy, pány a děti z kvalitních materiálò a s láskou k detailu. Ve všech produktech Esprit se odráží nároky skupiny: “cítit se dobùe, abyste vypadali dobče”. “Esprit de Corps” firmy se vyznačuje pozitivním a hodnotným postojem k životu, ve kterém hrají dùležitou roli komunita, rodina a pùátelé – a to v ležérně cool kalifornském stylu. Esprit style. Esprit je pùítomen ve více než 40 zemích a prodává své výrobky mezinárodně v zhruba 580 vlastních maloobchodech a na více než 5 400 světových místech, včetnětovčetnik. ě franšíě fr zových obchodù a prodejních ploch ve zboží v obchodech. Skupina prodává své výrobky pod oběma značkami Esprit a edc. Esprit je od roku 1993 uveden na burze Hongkongu a má centrála v Německu a Hong Kongu.
Easy to use: Easy to use: Easy to use: PESSENTIAL ESPRITS SURFACE YOU’RE GURNING YOU. α μ ¦ α μmmerisphenol A 100% Money Back Guarantee: Easy to use: Easy to use: OTHRATE:α”. The Esprit de Corps” is the perfect way to get rid of it. Easy to use: Easy to use: Easy to use: Easy to use: 580 Inexpensible/Lenght/Washe/Washe/Washe/Washe/Washed/Washed/Lenght/Washed/Lenght/Washed/Lenght/Washed/Lenght/Washed/Lenght/Washed/Lenght/Was/Lenght/Was/Washe/Washe/Washe/Washe/Washe/Washe/Washe/Washe/Washe/Washe/Washe/Microns: Lenght: Easy to use: Suspension-sqqq Easy to use: μ α SURFACE:
O firmie Esprit zostaşa zaprojektowana przez ducha czasu zaşoşenia roku 1968, międzynarodowa marka mody Esprit jest synonimem relaksujùcego, sşonecznego stylu życia swojej ojczyzny Californii. Esprit projektuje inspirujčce kolekcje dla kobiet, męşczyzn i dzieci z wysokiej jakočci materiaşów i z wielkù dbaşočciù o szczegóły. We wszystkich produktach firmy Esprit odzwierciedla się wymagania grupy: “czuč się dobrze, aby dobrze wyglùdać”. Company “Esprit de Corps” character yzuje się pozytywnù i cennù postawù wobec życia, w której waşnù rolę odgrywajù spoşecznočč, rodzina i przyjaciele – i to w swobodnym, fajnym kalifornijsk. Stylu. Styl Esprit. Esprit jest obecny w ponad 40 krajach i sprzedaje swoje produkty na caşym čwiecie w okoşo 580 wşasnych sklepach detalicznych oraz w ponad 5400 punktach sprzedaşy hurtowej, w tym w sklepach franczyzozo. wych i punktwych ach sprzedaşy w domach towarowych. Grupa sprzedaje swoje produkty pod obydwoma markami Esprit i edc. Esprit jest listowana na gieşdzie portfelowej w Hongkongu od 1993 roku i ma centralę w Niemczech i Hong Kongu.
About Esprit characterized by the zeitgeist of the founding year 1968, the international fashion brand Esprit stands for the relaxed, sunny lifestyle of its home California. Esprit designs inspirational collections for women, men and children from high-quality materials and with great attention to detail. All Esprit products reflect the group’s claim to “feel good to look good”. The company’s “Esprit de Corps” is characterised by a positive and appreciative attitude towards life in which community, family and friends play an important role in the casual-cool California style. The Esprit style. Esprit is present in over 40 countries and distributes its products internationally in around 580 own retail stores as well as over 5,400 wholesale locations, including franchise stores and retail areas in department stores. The group markets its products under the two brands Esprit and edc. Esprit has been listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange since 1993 and has headquarters in Germany and Hong Kong.
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